Thursday 2 June 2011


It was extremley hard to watch it with an open mind as the film of it was such a success, but it really was fantastic. The dancing was incredible and as always the cell block tango was the high point of the show. outstanding!!

Ion Review

Ion took Greek theatre to a whole new level and even included references to an Xbox and included toys in the background. It was a short piece of theatre with minimal text. It was a very physical peice of theatre. I found the script to be a little lacking places and although it was a good effort inturpreting a story into a good piece of text, it lacked any class and the script felt a little GCSE. The actors did a great job though, even though the script was lacking in some areas. On the plus side, it was colourful and the way the leading lady portrayed her words with no words was great. Jack who played Ion did a great a job too, he portrayed the character with a lot of innocence and naiivity even though he was blindfolded.
There were references to immersive theatre in this piece as in the start the characters came out and recited lines to the audience. Again it was a very small, dark room so the immersive theatre references made it a whole lot more menacing.
I would not see this again, but if anyone is interested in new theatre with modern takes on ancient greek theatre then this would appeal to you.

Monday 23 May 2011

Audio Review

Me and Emily discussing Ion


I didnt understand it. Although it was very creative and the acting was great, i felt that more of a traditional presentation would have complimented the storyline more.


I felt that the story dragged although the acting was incredible and the characterisation was great as it was a two man show with the characters playing numerous roles.


The build up to this show only raised my expectations, and i was a little dissapointed. I expected it to be a lot scarier but due to the time of day i felt it lacked a little terror. It was meant to be disjointed stories which made no sense, but without the spectacular visual effects it felt very ammature. I also felt that a little more thought could have gone into the costumes, one girl was unmaksed and this spoilt it for me.